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11 m - Traduzir


34 m - Traduzir - Youtube

Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #christian - #god's 5 Instruments Of Death - #psalm 7 describes the fact that God is angry with the wicked everyday, and that He has prepared "instruments of death" to destroy those who reject Him. In this sermon, Bryan will show from the scriptures what these "instruments" are. It is very important to recognize when God is judging the wicked, and to not stand in his way.

44 m - Traduzir

What a Dumb Ass FOOL! TransPets Your ****ing NUTS!!
Unlike some mentally sick people Animals KNOW What Sex they are!!!

1 h - Traduzir

#afghan - names of #hebrew and #biblical Origin

1 h - Traduzir

From my website!
Get Your Copy of: #war Is A Racket By Major General Smedley Butler

1 h - Traduzir

Video: #sharylattkisson Confirms #congress Controlled by Feds

1 h - Traduzir

We Are Offering More Money to Ukraine Than Our Marine Corps!

We Are Offering More Money to Ukraine Than Our Marine Corps!

The offer the House has made to Ukraine in the supplemental is $61 BILLION – more than the annual cost of the U.S. Marine Corps! It also includes $300 million to fund Ukraine’s anti-narcotics efforts,
1 h - Traduzir

Expand Your Memory… Control Your Fear… Suffer Endless Planned Scamdemics - #influenza #h5n1 #birdflu -