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FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ The live podcast starts at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT/6 PM MT/5 PM PT & When not live it will take you to the last recorded podcast.

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NOTICE FROM FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ Productions owner George Sinzer: If you DO NOT have my written permission to use the content of this podcast you are to remove it at once, this includes ANY bitchute ch


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Illinois Trans-Identified Male Pleads Guilty After Issuing Disturbing School Shooting, Child Rape Threats – Allah's Willing Executioners

Illinois Trans-Identified Male Pleads Guilty After Issuing Disturbing School Shooting, Child Rape Threats – Allah's Willing Executioners

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Greedy wasteful DemonRats at work........................................New Jersey Introduces Annual EV Fee, Punishing Owners Who Go Green............................................https://www.msn.com/en-us/auto....s/news/new-jersey-in

7 ш - перевести - Youtube

Christ Is King: A Phrase That Terrifies the Left

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Trump: \We could end up in World War III with this lunatic.\ (1 min, 9 sec)

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Closing the barn door after the horse got out? Guess we’ll see how effective this turns out to be.

AWESOME: Texas National Guard Retakes Control of El Paso Border - Installs Miles of Razor-Wire and a New Anti-Climb Fence (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

AWESOME: Texas National Guard Retakes Control of El Paso Border - Installs Miles of Razor-Wire and a New Anti-Climb Fence (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

On Tuesday morning, the Texas National Guard defied the Biden regime and again took control of the El Paso border, installing concertina wire (razor wire) and a new anti-climb fence.
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I wonder if those involved realize how orchestrated this entire thing has been and by whom?
Lucianne comment: Apparently they want everyone to believe that the bridge was brought down by a huge Seagull and a school of MASSIVE fish!!

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