Perls, the father of Gestaltz therapy( I do my thing & you do your thing) was OK with homosexuality in general. But it also should be noted that Gestaltz therapy is not widely accepted as a legitiamte form of psycological intervention, having been described by some as haphazard, & by others as lacking validation. In addition, Perls himself was known to be both emotionally & physically abusive with his wife & children. Apparently this was his thing.
Perls, the father of Gestaltz therapy( I do my thing & you do your thing) was OK with homosexuality in general. But it also should be noted that Gestaltz therapy is not widely accepted as a legitiamte form of psycological intervention, having been described by some as haphazard, & by others as lacking validation. In addition, Perls himself was known to be both emotionally & physically abusive with his wife & children. Apparently this was his thing.
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