Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek...” not the tolerant. Tolerant equates to passive, mild mannered, or weak. Meek means being humble; having the knowledge to use your sword yet choosing to leave your sword in its sheathe. Tolerance is quiet & submissive, while meekness can still be a warrior who is fully capable of taking action. That is the example Jesus modeled & called His followers to be. Nowhere is tolerance celebrated or rewarded in the Bible.
Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek...” not the tolerant. Tolerant equates to passive, mild mannered, or weak. Meek means being humble; having the knowledge to use your sword yet choosing to leave your sword in its sheathe. Tolerance is quiet & submissive, while meekness can still be a warrior who is fully capable of taking action. That is the example Jesus modeled & called His followers to be. Nowhere is tolerance celebrated or rewarded in the Bible.
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