President Trump's Key Campaign Promises For A Second Term

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Trump has recognized that America now has additional challenges that must be addressed should he win back the White House in 2024.

Reported by Breitbart:

1. End Woke Gender Ideology

While it did not stand as an issue as pressing as the current day during his first term, Trump has promised to tackle the “left-wing gender insanity” pushed on children by the radical left, promising to end what he described as “chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of our youth on day one” in office.

2. Curtail Rampant Crime

Trump plans to address rising crime by signing “a record investment in hiring, retention, and training for police officers,” per his campaign website, which states that the bill will “increase vital liability protections for America’s law enforcement officers.” Further, Trump is vowing to take on what his campaign described as “radical Marxist prosecutors who have abolished cash bail and refuse to charge criminals.”

3. Protect Women

In 2023, Trump signed a “Presidential Promise to American Women” from the Concerned Women for America, vowing to “uphold the truth that women are exclusively female.”

“Only women can be pregnant and bear children. Only women can be mothers,” the pledge reads in part, adding, “Under my Administration, the status and dignity of women and girls will not be compromised in law or policy.”

4. Protect And Restore Parental Rights

At the launch of his campaign, Trump made it clear that it is Biden who has “committed to indoctrinating our children, even using the Department of Justice against parents who object,” referencing the infamous letter solicited by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona from National School Boards Association (NSBA) officials, equating concerned parents to “domestic terrorists.”

“It’s a terrible thing. That’s why it’s so sad what’s happening. When I’m in the White House, schools will cease pushing Critical Race Theory as they were,” he promised, once again outlining his plan to use federal funding as a way to punish institutions that continue the woke ideology.

5. Fire Warmongers and Globalists

Trump has vowed to take on the globalists, determining that “World War III has never been closer than it is right now.”

“We need to clean house of all of the warmongers and America-Last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex.”

6. Take On Drug Cartels

Trump promised to go after drug cartels in the same way that he went after the Islamic State (ISIS) during his first term, pointing to the absurdity of Biden’s open border policies, which he described as a “deadly betrayal of our nation.”

Outlining his plan to order a naval blockade of the cartels, Trump said:

When I am president, it will be the policy of the United States to take down the cartels, just as we took down ISIS and the ISIS caliphate, and just as — unlike the situation we’re in today, we had a very, very strong border, the strongest border, in fact, in the history of our country, and drugs were at a low of 45 years. There’s been nothing like what we did, just two years ago.

7. Protect the Second Amendment

In 2023, Trump promised that he would “take Biden’s executive order directing the federal government to target the firearms industry, and I will rip it up and throw it out on day one.” Furthermore, Trump said he would “ask Congress to send a bill to my desk…[for] national concealed carry reciprocity.”

“Just like your driver’s license or your marriage license, your Second Amendment must apply across state lines. It will. We’ll get it done pretty quickly, too,” he promised.
