My name is George Sinzer & for many years now I have been the Executive Producer/JournalistHost of a podcast called FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ and so far it has been a wild ride.

But let me start from the very beginning I was born on a mountain raised in a cave ohh wait no I better not use that line because if I do that I might get in trouble so let's start this without the humor so much as with basic facts never went to journalism school but I did go to the school of hard knocks during the course of my journey in life I have worked many jobs served by country in a state defense force called the New York Guard and like I said for many many years now I have been the host journalist executive producer director cameraman audio engineer graphics engineer let's just say I wear a lot of hats for my podcast and I have not regretted a single minute of it not once I'm a volunteer fireman of over four decades and currently I am just a social media person who occasionally goes on social media has a few yuck yucks with people that are really cool by the way Eric as the guy who started this social media platform at some point I would love to have you as a guest on my podcast live or prerecorded doesn't matter to me but I would love to hear the story of how Maga book began and so on anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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  • 04/22/1963
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