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  • Romanian Election Corruption – A Snapshot to Embrace USA Isolationism

    SUMMARY: I found an interesting interview conducted by Alex Newman with George Simion. … The crux of the reasoning for interest is in late 2024, a corrupt Romanian government/judicial system vacated the election process that had Călin Georgescu win the first round of Romanian voting. … What is happening in Romania is the epitome of reasoning the USA should reinstate the Isolationist Foreign Policies that served to keep America OUT of European intrigues and entanglements that.. …READ & WATCH!
    #EndForeignEntanglements #EUGlobalistCorruption
    Romanian Election Corruption – A Snapshot to Embrace USA Isolationism SUMMARY: I found an interesting interview conducted by Alex Newman with George Simion. … The crux of the reasoning for interest is in late 2024, a corrupt Romanian government/judicial system vacated the election process that had Călin Georgescu win the first round of Romanian voting. … What is happening in Romania is the epitome of reasoning the USA should reinstate the Isolationist Foreign Policies that served to keep America OUT of European intrigues and entanglements that.. …READ & WATCH! #EndForeignEntanglements #EUGlobalistCorruption
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  • Trump - Cognitively Challenged Biden Autopen Signatures Null & Void

    SUMMARY: President Trump is entering the autopen scandal of (installed leader) Dementia Joe by declaring autopen Biden signatures of pardoned criminals (as in preemptive before a Court Trial) null and void. If a Trump DOJ pursues indictments against these preemptively pardoned criminals, SCOTUS will most assuredly have to make some decisions that will some happy and some unhappy. … Perhaps Americans will get to experience the rare Roe v Wade reversal with the correct Autopen Ruling with a man who did NOT have all his cognitive marbles in his head. MORE TO READ!
    #PardonsNullAndVoid #CognitiveChallengedBiden
    Trump - Cognitively Challenged Biden Autopen Signatures Null & Void SUMMARY: President Trump is entering the autopen scandal of (installed leader) Dementia Joe by declaring autopen Biden signatures of pardoned criminals (as in preemptive before a Court Trial) null and void. If a Trump DOJ pursues indictments against these preemptively pardoned criminals, SCOTUS will most assuredly have to make some decisions that will some happy and some unhappy. … Perhaps Americans will get to experience the rare Roe v Wade reversal with the correct Autopen Ruling with a man who did NOT have all his cognitive marbles in his head. MORE TO READ! #PardonsNullAndVoid #CognitiveChallengedBiden
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  • Facts vs Lies: A Look at Jew-Hating Pseudo-Palestinians
    Yup, I’m a Christian Zionist

    SUMMARY: I’ve come to the conclusion Jew-Hating Antisemites exist in every sector of the political scale: Left-to-Right and in between. The Left have largely joined radical Muslims (aka Jihadists or terrorists) to cast hate on Jews. Sadly many Conservatives and Patriots that I otherwise join, hate on Jews because of a history of Jews embracing different degrees Marxism or Socialism. … LOOK AT four videos that examine the faux-Palestinians and Zionism!
    #Antisemitism #FauxPalestinians
    Facts vs Lies: A Look at Jew-Hating Pseudo-Palestinians Yup, I’m a Christian Zionist SUMMARY: I’ve come to the conclusion Jew-Hating Antisemites exist in every sector of the political scale: Left-to-Right and in between. The Left have largely joined radical Muslims (aka Jihadists or terrorists) to cast hate on Jews. Sadly many Conservatives and Patriots that I otherwise join, hate on Jews because of a history of Jews embracing different degrees Marxism or Socialism. … LOOK AT four videos that examine the faux-Palestinians and Zionism! #Antisemitism #FauxPalestinians
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  • An Intro to 'Climate Change': Grift of the Century? Part I

    SUMMARY: Robert Williams sets forth excellent points on Man-Made vs Nature-Made making this an excellent read! …CLIMATE HOAX: MAN-MADE vs NATURE-MADE. CHECK IT OUT!
    #ClimateHoax #ClimateGrifters
    An Intro to 'Climate Change': Grift of the Century? Part I SUMMARY: Robert Williams sets forth excellent points on Man-Made vs Nature-Made making this an excellent read! …CLIMATE HOAX: MAN-MADE vs NATURE-MADE. CHECK IT OUT! #ClimateHoax #ClimateGrifters
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  • Trump’s MAGA Shines Light on the Dem Evil Darkness

    SUMMARY: President Trump’s MAGA Agenda is causing distress in the NWO-Transform-America Dem-Marxist Elitists. … These videos – which you may or may not have seen already – hearken to the Dem-Marxist evil which is a political plague upon the America our Founding Fathers managed to bring into existence. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #MAGAMandate #LightExposesEvil
    Trump’s MAGA Shines Light on the Dem Evil Darkness SUMMARY: President Trump’s MAGA Agenda is causing distress in the NWO-Transform-America Dem-Marxist Elitists. … These videos – which you may or may not have seen already – hearken to the Dem-Marxist evil which is a political plague upon the America our Founding Fathers managed to bring into existence. …TAKE A LOOK! #MAGAMandate #LightExposesEvil
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  • Intro to ‘Was Joe Biden’s Presidency One Long, Quiet Insurrection?’

    SUMMARY: … TODAY I ran into an email from that speculates the autopen signatures perpetuated (or even perpetrated) an unconstitutional rogue (and I believe INSTALLED) government in which its entire tenure of existence needs adjudicated. The title: “Was Joe Biden’s Presidency One Long, Quiet Insurrection?” … WHAT DO YOU THINK?
    Intro to ‘Was Joe Biden’s Presidency One Long, Quiet Insurrection?’ SUMMARY: … TODAY I ran into an email from that speculates the autopen signatures perpetuated (or even perpetrated) an unconstitutional rogue (and I believe INSTALLED) government in which its entire tenure of existence needs adjudicated. The title: “Was Joe Biden’s Presidency One Long, Quiet Insurrection?” … WHAT DO YOU THINK? #BidenDemInsurrectionists
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  • Mind-Challenged Biden & the Autopen
    THIS SHOULD BE A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS: Cognitive deficiency & Mind-free Document Signing

    SUMMARY: I just read a substantial amount of Official Presidential Documents were signed by an autopen rather than pen-in-hand Dementia Joe. This has to include Bills passed by Congress, Executive Orders, Memos and GASP… (criminal) Pardons. WE THE PEOPLE should be asking if the old autopen was used because installed President Biden did not have a clue of the Documents. …UNCONSTITUTIONAL DOC-SIGNING DIRECTED BY WHO?
    #DementiaJoe #BehindAutopenCurtain
    Mind-Challenged Biden & the Autopen THIS SHOULD BE A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS: Cognitive deficiency & Mind-free Document Signing SUMMARY: I just read a substantial amount of Official Presidential Documents were signed by an autopen rather than pen-in-hand Dementia Joe. This has to include Bills passed by Congress, Executive Orders, Memos and GASP… (criminal) Pardons. WE THE PEOPLE should be asking if the old autopen was used because installed President Biden did not have a clue of the Documents. …UNCONSTITUTIONAL DOC-SIGNING DIRECTED BY WHO? #DementiaJoe #BehindAutopenCurtain
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  • Dr. Trozzi ‘The Global Health Agenda’ in Three Parts

    SUMMARY: Dr. Mark Trozzi had his Medical License stripped in Canada under the accusation the science facts he was unleashing publicly was misinformation. … Political persecution for fighting a FALSE NARRATIVE… I am going to share three Dr. Trozzi Substack posts which are in three parts of a seminar he delivered in Ottawa Canada…3 POSTS & 3 VIDEOS…TAKE A LOOK!
    #DrTrozzi #ExposingMedicalTyranny
    Dr. Trozzi ‘The Global Health Agenda’ in Three Parts SUMMARY: Dr. Mark Trozzi had his Medical License stripped in Canada under the accusation the science facts he was unleashing publicly was misinformation. … Political persecution for fighting a FALSE NARRATIVE… I am going to share three Dr. Trozzi Substack posts which are in three parts of a seminar he delivered in Ottawa Canada…3 POSTS & 3 VIDEOS…TAKE A LOOK! #DrTrozzi #ExposingMedicalTyranny
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  • It’s Time to Place Snowden in a Positive Light

    SUMMARY: I ran into an interesting Youtube video hosted by Maggie Moda of Undoctrination about Ed Snowden. … The information shared in this video has led me full circle. Edward Snowden is an AMERICAN HERO. Yes Snowden broke the law to become a Whistleblower. AND YET the NSA crimes against Americans is so egregious, the laws Snowden broke to expose the NSA need a Presidential Pardon. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #EdwardSnowden #NSACrimesAgainstAmericans
    It’s Time to Place Snowden in a Positive Light SUMMARY: I ran into an interesting Youtube video hosted by Maggie Moda of Undoctrination about Ed Snowden. … The information shared in this video has led me full circle. Edward Snowden is an AMERICAN HERO. Yes Snowden broke the law to become a Whistleblower. AND YET the NSA crimes against Americans is so egregious, the laws Snowden broke to expose the NSA need a Presidential Pardon. …TAKE A LOOK! #EdwardSnowden #NSACrimesAgainstAmericans
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  • LOOK at ‘The Transhumanist Delusion’

    SUMMARY: … I got to a 2/24/25 Gab E-Newsletter the subject matter arrested my attention. Andrew Torba posted the second chapter of his book “RECLAIMING REALITY: Restoring Humanity in the Age of AI” which can be purchased in various formats. The second chapter posted is entitled, “The Transhumanist Delusion”… Essentially Torba paints a picture of an AI plugged into a Transhumanist crafted body to accomplish self-gratification goals of digitized immortality and digitized health. For me this is a picture of Adam and Eve’s rebellious transgression at…MORE TO READ!
    #TranshumanistDelusion #ChallengingGod
    LOOK at ‘The Transhumanist Delusion’ SUMMARY: … I got to a 2/24/25 Gab E-Newsletter the subject matter arrested my attention. Andrew Torba posted the second chapter of his book “RECLAIMING REALITY: Restoring Humanity in the Age of AI” which can be purchased in various formats. The second chapter posted is entitled, “The Transhumanist Delusion”… Essentially Torba paints a picture of an AI plugged into a Transhumanist crafted body to accomplish self-gratification goals of digitized immortality and digitized health. For me this is a picture of Adam and Eve’s rebellious transgression at…MORE TO READ! #TranshumanistDelusion #ChallengingGod
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  • Looking at the Communist Pope

    SUMMARY: … I regard Pope Francis as a Communist Pope. Loyal Roman Catholics might consider that thought as insulting. I’m not criticizing the Catholic faith, just its antichrist-spirit current leader. … As far as I’m concerned the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God is central to being a Christian. … AND SO, I come back to share what I’ve discovered about the Communist Pope Francis…TAKE A LOOK AT MY OBSERVATIONS.
    #CommunistPope #ChristianFaith #AntiChristianCommunism
    Looking at the Communist Pope SUMMARY: … I regard Pope Francis as a Communist Pope. Loyal Roman Catholics might consider that thought as insulting. I’m not criticizing the Catholic faith, just its antichrist-spirit current leader. … As far as I’m concerned the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God is central to being a Christian. … AND SO, I come back to share what I’ve discovered about the Communist Pope Francis…TAKE A LOOK AT MY OBSERVATIONS. #CommunistPope #ChristianFaith #AntiChristianCommunism
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  • The Dark Side of Targeting Children

    SUMMARY: There is a TARGET on unprotected and unsuspecting innocent children. The target agenda: HUMAN TRAFFICKING. … I suspect there is are a combination of evil cohorts who simply regard themselves above the law. I have four videos exposing this dark seeded and in some cases explicit tragedy. … EVERY CONCERNED PARENT should become aware on the target on their children…TAKE A LOOK!
    #TargetingChildren #ExposingPedophelia #HumanTrafficking
    The Dark Side of Targeting Children SUMMARY: There is a TARGET on unprotected and unsuspecting innocent children. The target agenda: HUMAN TRAFFICKING. … I suspect there is are a combination of evil cohorts who simply regard themselves above the law. I have four videos exposing this dark seeded and in some cases explicit tragedy. … EVERY CONCERNED PARENT should become aware on the target on their children…TAKE A LOOK! #TargetingChildren #ExposingPedophelia #HumanTrafficking
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  • An Intro to ‘Everything Just Changed! Have We Sealed the Fate of the Human Race?’

    SUMMARY: TODAY I ran into a Christian blogger who shares my concerns and writes about Artificial Intelligence from a Christian perspective. In her post she shares the transcript of a dialogue between Glenn Beck and AI-futurist Ray Kurzweil. The portion with Kurzweil’s predictions about tech interaction in relation to AI/Transhumanism and humanity hopefully will raise a personal red alert alarm bells about human existence. …MORE TO READ!
    #CautionAI #CautionTranshumanism
    An Intro to ‘Everything Just Changed! Have We Sealed the Fate of the Human Race?’ SUMMARY: TODAY I ran into a Christian blogger who shares my concerns and writes about Artificial Intelligence from a Christian perspective. In her post she shares the transcript of a dialogue between Glenn Beck and AI-futurist Ray Kurzweil. The portion with Kurzweil’s predictions about tech interaction in relation to AI/Transhumanism and humanity hopefully will raise a personal red alert alarm bells about human existence. …MORE TO READ! #CautionAI #CautionTranshumanism
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  • Is a New System of Financial Transactions About to Emerge?

    SUMMARY: Mike Adams posted an interesting article on his Substack page on 2/25/25 entitled, “Breakaway civilization initiates counter-coup: Trump and Musk at the helm”. The interesting part is his claim the Trump Administration is moving rapidly to end the Old World System controlled by Globalist Oligarchs and Globalist Corporatist and International Bankers. The focus of the text is removing fiat currency and replacing it with a commodities-based currency system. Commodities such as a return to gold and silver as the basis to back currency value. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #BreakawayCivilization #CommoditiesCurrency
    Is a New System of Financial Transactions About to Emerge? SUMMARY: Mike Adams posted an interesting article on his Substack page on 2/25/25 entitled, “Breakaway civilization initiates counter-coup: Trump and Musk at the helm”. The interesting part is his claim the Trump Administration is moving rapidly to end the Old World System controlled by Globalist Oligarchs and Globalist Corporatist and International Bankers. The focus of the text is removing fiat currency and replacing it with a commodities-based currency system. Commodities such as a return to gold and silver as the basis to back currency value. …TAKE A LOOK! #BreakawayCivilization #CommoditiesCurrency
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  • A Hacked AI is NOT Good for Humanity

    SUMMARY: If you’ve read any of my past posts on Artificial Intelligence (AI), you are aware I’m NOT a big fan of the big push to implement AI usage for everyday use which promoters (from all across the political spectrum from Left-to-Right and in between) claim tasks become easier. … WELL! I ran into a post by THE EXPOSÉ citing researchers who have discovered an AI (and they cite the scary Big Bucks/Big Tech AIs) can be HACKED to alter AI programming. …MORE TO READ!
    #HackingAI #JailbreakCoding
    A Hacked AI is NOT Good for Humanity SUMMARY: If you’ve read any of my past posts on Artificial Intelligence (AI), you are aware I’m NOT a big fan of the big push to implement AI usage for everyday use which promoters (from all across the political spectrum from Left-to-Right and in between) claim tasks become easier. … WELL! I ran into a post by THE EXPOSÉ citing researchers who have discovered an AI (and they cite the scary Big Bucks/Big Tech AIs) can be HACKED to alter AI programming. …MORE TO READ! #HackingAI #JailbreakCoding
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