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DO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt. ONE
Beginning with Why I’m Voting Trump

SUMMARY: Election 2024 is coming in November. To be clear! I’m voting for Trump, even if Dem-Marxist corrupt Lawfare sends the actually 2020 elected President to jail…(READ POST FOR REASONING)… AND SO, I have a huge batch of ANTI-Medical Tyranny videos I’m sharing as a refresher for reasons to DUMP Dem-Marxists on Election Day… WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/3JOXOb0
#votetrump #dumpdemmarxists #medicaltyranny

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American Intel Spies & Withholds Info from Trump!

SUMMARY: Americans who still support The Democratic Party (which should be re-labeled Dem-Marxist Party) are supporting spying on Americans and intruding in American politics to the point of government coups. OMG Undercover catches CIA Contractor talking about spying on Trump & withholding info while he was President… READ & WATCH AMERICAN TREASON: https://bit.ly/4dkpIsX
#omgundercover #amricaninteltreason

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An Intro to THE EXPOSÉ Look at Occult Influence on Elitists

SUMMARY: THE EXPOSÉ has delved into a Substack post by Elizabeth Nickson … I am unsure if THE EXPOSÉ had this in mind, but my take on the “snake” for signifies that old Serpent known as Satan. Nickson examines Satan’s Occultic influence on the world’s Globalist Agenda. Nickson claims to draw from personal experience while she looks at American Elitists, British Elitists and a dabbling of other Globalist Elitists influenced by the Occult. –TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3y1jnCw
#occulticelitists #satanicglobalists

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Antisemitism Idiocy

Summary: I have not seen the coverage of college campus protests supporting the Hamas butchers as Israel has entered Gaza to punish pseudo-Palestinians for the 10/7/23 genocide of Jewish men, women and children… So this post is a run down of the ebb & flow of Jewish resistance to their Covenant, God’s Mercy and unsettling ANTISEMITISM emerging in modern times. YUP, I’m Pro-Israel. Jew-Haters are UNWELCOME. …TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/49WIQdF
#antisemitism #covenantbreakingjews #proisrael


Hope for a nation in which a majority of its population admits that Jesus physically rose from the dead.


A place to share Conservative facts and a Patriotic perspective that defends the Republic, the Constitution and One Nation Under God.